Thursday, May 29, 2008


Isn't life confusing sometimes! Well i guess only when its the end of the school year that flew by way to fast and you don't want to leave your friends but do want to get out of all the homework! Anyway I only have 12 days left i think, so summer is on my doorstep! And what I'm doing this summer is: Playing summer basketball with my school, going to Utah with my youth group, and hanging out with my class and friends!! So what about anybody else? What are you all doing this summer?


Mitch Wilson said...

not to rain on your happy parade here but i think im the opnly one that comments on your blog and vice-a-versa!!!XD! im getting a job, and getting something for you to ride on......;)

Mitch Wilson said...

There is this awesome website i just found called twitter, and you post updates and stuff, its like a min-blog, and people follow you to find out what you are doing! its really cool. go to my blog and check it out, right hand side. And there is a desktop app you can download called twhirl, so you dont even have to go to the website!try it. im

Unknown said...

Hey there... I'm commenting too. ;)

I'm planning on going to camp again this summer. Jonah now has a hands-on highschool missions camp, which I'm hoping to go to.
We're going back to Montana in the fall. (btw, you need to come sometime) ;)
And hopefully, I'll be getting together with my dear friend, named Aubrie. :)

Love you, girl!

Mitch Wilson said...

Hey. Completely Revamped Blog. Check it out yo!